Osion kuvaus

  • Bem-vindos ao curso de português!

    Foto: Arquivo Pessoal - Pico Araçatuba, Brasil

    Olá! Tudo bem com você?

    Welcome to our Portuguese Course! Our course will start on January 11th.

    Our book is Tudo bem? 1 and we will need it since the first day of class. It is possible to buy it at any library (Suomalainen kirjakauppa, for example).  You need to have the book in the first class. If you do not understand Finnish, please print out the English translations of the first chapters of the book provided to you chapter by chapter on this MyCourses page (but you still need the book).

    Até mais!


    1. Classes Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 - 11:30

    2. Final test (70%)  17.02 

    3. Vocabulary and verb test (10%) 

    4. Video exercise, in pairs (10%)

    5. Writing exercise (10%)