Topic outline

  • Startseite


    This beginners' course starts on Thursday 16th of September

    online (at least during the first period) in ZOOM  at 12:30 - 14.

    We use the textbook Freut mich 1 (FinnLectura), please get the book beforehand.

    Bis bald / see you soon / nähdään pian!

    • You find the link to our Zoom meetings and a file with the plan for each lesson on this page. After our meetings I will update the plan, add infos on homework / how to prepare for our next meeting and upload it in the respective section on the left. 


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      Quiz icon
      2. Test Quiz

      Lektion 7 - 12

      Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2021
      12:30 - 14 Uhr (60 minutes within this time)

    • File icon
      dates and grading system
      for more details on what happened in class and homework check sections
    • File icon

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      MyCourses-materiaalien rakenne Page
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      Structure of the MyCourses-materials Page