LC-0550 - Communication Skills D, Lecture, 4.3.2022-8.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 08.04.2022 Search Courses: LC-0550
Watch the videos and answer these questions (freely, 1-3 pages):
1. What´s especially interesting in communication? (in your opinion)
2. How do you see your own communication competence?
3. Hopes and wishes for this course? Other comments?
You can add your assignment in this box or send it to me:
write in Finnish, English or Swedish!
Listen before 8.4. And sorry... it´s about 45min, not 15 as I said... but maybe you´ll manage.
Try to answer these questions (at least in your head):
1. How is the concept of culture defined in this podcast? 2. Is there something especially interesting in all this? A connection to your life? Something you strongly agree or disagree with? 3. What´s the main point / takeaway? (from your perspective)