Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to Virtual Acoustics 2022!

    In this course, you will learn the fundamental techniques of room acoustic modeling and spatial audio processing.

    The Virtual Acoustics course will be run in remote mode. The lectures (60-90min) are provided as videos one week before the corresponding contact session. The contact session gives time to discuss, ask and reflect on the lecture material. In addition, there will be a Matlab demo session 45mins to explain a new task for the home assignment and/or explanation of the correct solutions for the previous week's assignment.

    The main teachers will be prof. Tapio Lokki and prof. Sebastian J. Schlecht. In addition, MSc Chris Hold and MSc Nils Meyer-Kahlen will be teaching assistants, in particular for the home assignments.

    Course communication is done via Slack. Please sign in and join #virtual-acoustics-2022

    Virtual Acoustics 2022, schedule (version 17.12.2021)
    Date Topic Lecturer Assignment 
    12.01.2022 Introduction, convolution, auralization (off-line + real-time) Tapio Lokki
    Practicalities + Assignment Session:  introduction of the rendering pipeline and the weekly assignments Sebastian
    19.01.2022 Head-Related Transfer Functions + binaural rendering Tapio Lokki Due A1
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A1 + introduction of A2 S/N/C
    26.01.2022 Vector Base Amplitude Panning  Ville Pulkki
      Q&A Session  S/N/C  
    02.02.2022 Ambisonics - Mathematical basis Nils/Chris
    Due A2
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A2 + introduction of A3 S/N/C
    09.02.2022 Ambisonics - Encoding & Decoder
       Q&A Session  S/N/C  
    16.02.2022 Room Acoustics - Ray-based modeling  Lauri Savioja Due A3
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A3 + introduction of A4 S/N/C
    02.03.2022 Room Acoustics - Wave-based modeling  Finnur Pind
       Q&A Session  S/N/C  
    09.03.2022 Artificial reverberation - overview and DSP structures Vesa Välimäki Due A4
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A4 + introduction of A5 S/N/C
    16.03.2022 Artificial reverberation - Feedback Delay Networks Sebastian Schlecht
       Q&A Session  S/N/C  
    23.03.2022 Measurement-based spatial reverberation - capturing, SIRR and SDM
    Nils Meyer-Kahlen
    Due A5
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A5 + introduction of A6 S/N/C
    30.03.2022 Directional Audio Coding
    Ville Pulkki
       Q&A Session  S/N/C  
    06.04.2022 Students presentation of their A6 solutions Sebastian Due A6