ELEC-E8425 - Energy System Modelling and Optimization D, Lecture, 28.2.2022-23.5.2022
This course space end date is set to 23.05.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-E8425
Topic outline
Course Schedule:
Please find the Zoom link of the Lecture and Exercise Sessions as follows. Links are password-protected and the passcode for all the links is 2022opt.
Lecture 1 (28 Feb 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/66194902736?pwd=WEVOUEs1cllUeGFnd0MyQkhqYUxydz09
Lecture 2 (07 March 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62192401770?pwd=Vmk4blI2SVlYeklrNy9pZDA4aGMrdz09
Lecture 3 (14 March 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69845051454?pwd=cGIzbFZqSlVqajY0djhSaU5zRlRxUT09
Lecture 4 and Lecture 5 (21 March 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/66360745670?pwd=QkwwYjVoQ3FXRlRiM0VJVDVLeEozUT09
Lecture 6 and Exercise 1 (28 March 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/61162673344?pwd=eTl0QzZ5VEpjOFNRVEY2ajVBS1NCdz09
Lecture 7 (04 April 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/61725312190?pwd=emE2V3UvWkxXMUhiNGloQi9PaVlVUT09
Lecture 8 (25 April 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64907386608?pwd=ZWxlNGdXWFdjMlhaTmkwdnpFZHFPQT09
Lecture 9 (02 May 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62470080611?pwd=RTVJaURwMWdPaFpENzR6MHY5aCt3QT09
Lecture 10 and Exercise 2 (09 May 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62618352129?pwd=VEpWSVI2MEw1em9hYUtkUGw1eVlEUT09
Lecture 11 and Exercise 3 (16 May 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/67673588982?pwd=RFhoV25VOWw4RjY0dkNRNFFEMTBhZz09
Pre-lecture and Lecture 12 (23 May 2022): https://aalto.zoom.us/j/65842548640?pwd=eS9Kc1NJYnlrQWFKdWpkVFd5cUU4Zz09Evaluation Criteria: The course will be evaluated based on assignments (Programming and Report). In total, we have seven Assignments and the weights of the assignments are as follows.
- Assignment 1: 7%
- Assignment 2: 8%
- Assignment 3: 9%
- Assignment 4: 11%
- Assignment 5: 15%
- Assignment 6: 20%
- Assignment 7: 30%
Grade Letters Highest Lowest Letter 100.00 % 88.00 % 5 87.99 % 79.00 % 4 78.99 % 70.00 % 3 69.99 % 60.00 % 2 59.99 % 50.00 % 1 49.99 % 0.00 % 0