MS-E1143 - Algebraic Geometry 1 D, Lecture, 13.9.2021-22.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 22.10.2021 Search Courses: MS-E1143
The textbook for this course is the latest version of THE RISING SEA - Foundations of Algebraic Geometry, by Ravi Vakil, available at
(This is the version of November 18, 2017. Be aware that earlier versions might have a different numbering for the exercises, among other things.)
The topics covered in this course are contained in Chapters 1--5 of the book.
Additional material:
For the necessary notions in commutative algebra, we recommend Introduction to Commutative Algebra, by Atiyah and MacDonald, available at
The classical reference for algebraic geometry is Algebraic Geometry by Robin Hartshorne. Another good source of material is The geometry of Schemes by Eisenbud and Harris.