Topic outline

  • General

    Learning objectives

    You will go way with

    1. Understanding what motivate people
    2. Knowing various leadership styles and understanding when and how to use them
    3. Understanding different types of organizational changes
    4. Understanding the challenges that employees face during every kind of organizational changes
    5. Know how to manage employees during these organizational changes


    The course is organized into 5 modules. 1, 2, and 3 models cover the Leadership part. 4 and 5 models cover Change Management.

    1. Motivation  Theories & Self-Determination Theory
    2.  Situational Leadership & Leader-member Exchange Leadership
    3. Transformational leadership
    4. Changes in organizations (I)
    5. Changes in organizations (II)

    How the course is organized 

    Due to the pandemic and the size of the course (more than 150 participants), the course is organized mainly as a guided self-study.
    For each of the five modules, we will provide videos and readings (book chapters and/or articles).
    You can watch videos and read the material when it is most convenient for you.
    However, for each Module, you need to return reflection notes and do online quizzes. T
    he DLs are strict!!!

    At the same time, we would like to offer some interaction. We will organize two live sessions and wait for you on Zoom every Monday if you have any questions. Participation is optional.

    Learning contract

    By taking this course, you enter into a learning contract with me. Here are our mutual promises:

    What I promise:

      •Provide materials and tools that help you achieve learning objectives
      •Design the course in a way that allows you to learn and simultaneously provides you with the flexibility to pass the course tailored to your ambitions and personal schedule in these difficult times
      •Help you with all practicalities
      •Give each of you an equal opportunity to finalize the course and learn content

    What you promise:

      •Be responsible for your own learning: read all materials, watch all videos, reflect and think, return assignments
      •Not to take shortcuts or copy&pasty from others
      •If you decide to do an option case group solving, do your share of the work in the (optional) group case-solving exercise


    1.11.  @14:15 - 15:15

    Live kick-off session

    We will go through the practicalities of the course


    8.11.  @14:15 - 14:45

    I will be on Zoom to answer your questions related to the content of study material and/or practical ones

    15.11. @14:15 - 14:45

    I will be on Zoom to answer your questions related to the content of study material and/or practical ones

    22.11. @14:15 - 14:45

    I will be on Zoom to answer your questions related to the content of study material and/or practical ones

    29.11. @14:15 - 15:45

    Live session

    •60 minutes (short lecture + class discussion)

    •30 minutes (Presemo questionnaire to evaluate my teaching)

    13.12.  @14:15 - 14:45

    I will be on Zoom to answer your questions related to the content of study material and/or practical ones




    For each of the five models, you will need to submit (1) a one-page reflection note (individual work) and (2) solve an online quiz (individual work).

    One final assignment (3). (individual work)

    In addition, there is (4) an optional case-solving exercise (in groups).

    (1) Reflection notes

    You need to submit a one-page reflection note using the Cornell method for note-taking. Here is a link to the video that explains how to use this method:

    This system should help you reflect on and better organize the study material.

    Click on Assignments and then Reflection notes to submit the reflection note (if you use pen and paper you can take a picture of your notes with your phone and upload that). 

    (2) Online Quizzes

    The online quizzes consist of 8-15 multiple choice questions about the study material. You can see whether you answered all questions correctly after submitting your answers, and you can redo the quizzes as many times as you like.

    Click on the Quizzes folder to see the questions and submit your answers. Not available yet, we will let you know when you can start taking the online quizzes.

    (3) Final assignment

    This is individual work. The instruction TBA

    (4) Group case-solving (Optional)

    This part of the course is optional. It involves solving and presenting a case as a group.

    More detailed information and instructions will be provided later, including how to sign up for it. 

    These deadlines are strict. No late submissions will be accepted.

    Quizzes and reflection notes take time. Start working on them early enough!

    Grading policy

    Up to 40 points are given for the following elements

    • Reflection notes (individual work): 10 points
    • Online quizzes (individual work): 10 points
    • Final assignment (individual work): 15 points
    • Group case-solving (in groups): 5 points (optional)

    Each reflection note and each online quiz is graded as either 0 (fail) or 2 (pass), so you can get a maximum of 20 points from these.

    Reflection notes

    To pass, it needs to be visible that you have spent some effort reflecting on the topic. Submissions with mostly white space, with just a few words, or obviously copied&pasted from elsewhere are graded 0.

    Online quizzes

    You can redo the quizzes as many times as you like, but you must answer all multiple-choice questions correctly to pass and get 2 points.

    Final assignment

    The instructions will be accounted later

    Group case (optional)

    The instructions will be accounted for later

    Final grades are given as follows:

    • <20: FAIL
    • 20-23: 1 (but must return Final assignment)
    • 24-27: 2
    • 28-31: 3
    • 32-35: 4
    • 36+: 5


    • To pass, you must return the final assignment and get at least one point (so you can’t pass just with reflection notes and online quizzes, even if you get 20 points from them).
    • You can get at most 4 without doing the optional group case-solving
    • All points will be communicated through the course website (under Grades)

    The instructors of the course are Assistant Professor Natalia Vuori and Postdoctoral Researcher Barbara Burkhard.