Topic outline

  • General

    Seminar Programme:

    Article 1: Carolyn Korsmeyer: Taste and other senses: Reconsidering the foundations of aesthetics (2018) 

                Presenter: Cvijeta Miljak

    29.10. Article 2: Kevin Melchionne: Aesthetic Choice (2017) (PDF -> Materials)

                Presenter: Pinja Mustajoki

    5.11.    Article 3: George Yancy: White Embodied Gazing, the Black Body as Disgust, and the Aesthetics of Un-Suturing (2016) (PDF -> Materials)

                Presenter: Chelsea Bihlmeyer

    12.11. Article 4: Jérome Dokic and Margherita Arcangeli: At the Limits: What Drives Experiences of the Sublime (2020) (PDF -> Materials)

                Presenter: Joona Hulmi & Maiju Suomi

    19.11. Article 5: Russell L. Quacchia: Aesthetic Disappointment (2021)

                Presenter: Ed Morrell & Noora Korpelainen

    3.12.    Article 7: Lev Manovich: Computer vision, human senses, and language of art (2020)

                Presenter: Jaana Okulov & Adriana Guiman

    10.12. Article 6: Remei Capdevila-Werning & Sanna Lehtinen: Intergenerational Aesthetics (2021) (PDF -> Materials) 

                Presenter: Anne Koskinen & Eva Tordera 

    14.1.    Article 8: Yuriko Saito: Aesthetics of Care (2021/22) (PDF added later) 

                Presenter: Noora Yau & Leonardo Hidalgo Uribe


    28.1.    Article 9: Ariane Nomikos: Place Matters (2018) (PDF -> Materials)

                Presenter: Caroline Moinel & Päivi Leinonen


    The spring term 2022 meetings are reserved for discussing the students’ essays. Each participant will write a 10–15 page essay (6000–8000 words) that will be presented in the seminar. Preferably, the theme should combine some core areas of aesthetics or philosophy of art and the student’s doctoral project. It is advisable to select and follow the guidelines of a journal, to which the produced essay could be offered for publication. 

    Each week one paper will be discussed. Each student will also be an opponent of one paper. 

    The papers should be sent 1 week in advance (the previous Friday latest) to the General discussion board.

    4.2. Jaana, opponent: Joona

    11.2. Chelsea, opponent: Leonardo

    18.2. Eva, opponent: Anne

    4.3. (N.B. no meeting)

    11.3. Adriana, opponent: Noora

    18.3. (N.B. no meeting)

    25.3. Päivi, opponent: Maiju

    1.4. Noora-Helena, opponent: Caroline

    8.4. 1) Joona, opponent: Chelsea 

    29.4. 1) Ed, opponent: Jaana & 2) Leonardo, opponent: Pinja

    6.5. 1) Noora, opponent: Päivi & 2) Caroline, opponent: Eva

    13.5. 1) Maiju, opponent: Adriana & 2) Cvijeta, opponent: Noora-Helena

    20.5. Anne, opponent: Ed & 2) Pinja, opponent: Cvijeta (moved from 8.4.)

    • Knowing Aesthetics Forum (for sharing written assignments)

      Add your written assignments here according to the agreed course schedule. They are visible to the course attendees and the teacher.