Topic outline

  • You’re warmly welcome to explore housing design and related research methods!

    This is a lecture-based course in the second period. 


    • Submission folder including the assignment and related material: 
    • Deadline is Friday 29th October at 15:00. 

    Weekly assignments: 

    • Before lectures II–VI, you are provided a text (article, book chapter) written by the next lecturer. 
    • Lectures and discussion are based on this material so it is necessary that you book time for reading this material. Make notes that you can use when writing reflection.  


    • Our last meeting is dedicated to your ideas regarding the theme of this course. 
    • Deadline for submitting this assignment is Thursday 9th December


    1.11. Introduction and first lecture: Constructing a survey: Solo dwellers’ domestic spatial needs and housing design practices

    (Jukka Hirvonen, City of Helsinki, Executive Office, Urban Research and Statistics & Anne Tervo, University Lecturer, Aalto University)

    8.11. What can we share? A design game for developing the shared spaces in housing 

                (Anne Tervo, University Lecturer, Aalto University)

    15.11. User-centred design research – dwelling as a product 

    (Antti Pirinen, University Lecturer, Aalto University)

    22.11. Housing design as a tool for research: Analysing apartments' adjustment potential

    (Sini Saarimaa, Research director, The Building Information Foundation RTS)

    29.11. Applying the research-by-design method to investigate adaptable apartment space

    (Anna Braide, Lecturer, Chalmers University of Technology)

    6.12. Independence Day (national holiday, no lecture, compensatory task)

    13.12. Reflections at 17:30-19:30

    Teacher in charge: Anne Tervo (