
  • Urban Design Thinking

    Teaching of the course will be organized remotely in the fall of 2021, according to Aalto university's guidelines. The main tool used will be Zoom-meetings. Possible tutorings in small groups will be separately announced. For information on using the school's facilities, please see: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopisk/Coronavirus+-+information+for+students

    Work by Anselm Kiefer, featured in “Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow.”

    Zoom-link for the start of the course 3.11. at 9:15: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/61367543888

    The course is a theoretical introduction to different historically conditioned and emerging paradigms in urban design, encouraging a critical and analytical approach to relevant literature.

    Duration: Period II
    From the 3rd of November, to the 15th of December (7 sessions).
    The course events are scheduled on Wednesday mornings, at 9-12.

    A series of thematic lectures concerning urban design thinking, exploring urban form in the context of history and the present. The course cocludes with seminar presentations by the students.

    Seminar work
    The students produce an essay and a presentation on a selected topic.

    Through Sisu. 40 students.


    03.11. The City as a Work of Art
    Tommy Lindgren, Lecturer in Urban Design, ARTS.
    Sanna Lehtinen, PhD, Docent, Research Fellow, Transdisciplinary Art Studies Unit.

    10.11. Productive Cities
    Tommy Lindgren, Lecturer in Urban Design, ARTS.
    Kristiaan Borret, Bouwmeester / Maître Architecte at Brussels Capital Region (recording).
    Discussion on your essay topics.

    17.11. Garden Cities
    Tommy Lindgren, Lecturer in Urban Design, ARTS.
    Himansu Mishra, Landscape architect, Architect.

    24.11. Functional Cities
    Tommy Lindgren, Lecturer in Urban Design, ARTS.
    Jarmo Eskelinen, Executive Director, Data-Driven Innovation Initiative, University of Edinburgh.

    01.12. Social Cities
    Karin Krokfors, Professor in Urban Design, ARTS.
    Pasi Mäenpää, PhD, Docent, Sociology, Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies (Urbaria).

    08.12. Sustainable Cities
    Karin Krokfors, Professor in Urban Design, ARTS.
    Mario Kolkwitz, Researcher, Faculty of Built Environment, Tampere University.

    15.12. Seminar presentations and discussion.

    Conclusion of course.