Topic outline

  • General

    CHEMARTS Summer School 2.0 is an intensive, experimental and interdisciplinary course focusing on wood-derived materials research. It is strongly based on ecological values. During the course students familiarise with bio-based materials and explore working methods used in materials research and design practice through thematic lectures with group discussions, field trips and creative hands-on workshops.

    Note! The course will start 6.6 at 12:30, we will meet at that time in the lobby of Väre

    Course content 2022

    This year the CHEMARTS Summer School 2.0 consists of thematic lectures, field trips, workshops to learn certain techniques or tools and working on a given bio-based material related challenge. In addition to the workshops and challenge, the CHEMARTS Master Chef concept piloted in the 2021 summer school will be organized again this year.

    About the course schedule and program:

    The course program will start on 6.6 and will finish on 28.6. Below is a preliminary outline of the program, a more detailed program and information on the locations will be provided in the beginning of June. For most days the program duration will be approximately from 9 am to 4 pm and teaching will take place mainly on campus, however 1-2 field trips will also be organized. On 23.6 the program will finish latest by 12 and on Midsummer eve (24.6) there will be no teaching.

    Week 1 (6.6-10.6) The first week program will include the course kick-off, laboratory workshops and thematic talks.

    Week 2 (13.6-17.6) The second week program will consist mainly of working in the laboratories on the given challenge.

    Week 3 (20.6-23.6) The CHEMARTS Master chef will be organized during the third week of the course.

    Week 4 (27.6 and 28.6) Presentations and wrap-up of the course.

    Learning Outcomes:

    After the course the student will

    • be familiar with and inspired by Finnish biomaterials, including cellulose fibers, micro- and nanofibrillar cellulose, cellulose derivatives, lignin, bark extractives and novel combinations of these, and other biomaterials from the Finnish nature
    • recognise the main sustainability issues related to these materials
    • know some working methods for material exploration in laboratory environment, and have ability to apply those in their material experiments
    • understand the basics of up-scaling processes related to bio-based material innovations
    • have ability to envision how advanced bio-based materials could make life comfortable and more sustainable in the future

    Evaluation criteria:

    • Active participation in the lab work and lectures. (25%)
    • A short report including documentation of your working process and outcomes of the challenge (50%) work and a 10 min presentation to be presented at the end of the course. (25%)


    • Pirjo Kääriäinen
    • Tapani Vuorinen
    • Janika Lehtonen
    • Iines Jakovlev
    • Irene Purasachit
    • Sonja Dallyn

    If you can not participate to classes, please contact Iines: or +358 40 548 9377

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