Topic outline


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    Registration: SISU (priority for studio students and students of Urban Narratives I)
    Session: Periods III & V, Thursdays 9-12
    Teachers: Studio teachers and visitors.
    The course focus is on enabling the use of the moving image for describing existing or imaginary urban environments. The course can be taken as a supporting course for the Urban Design studio, for exploring the existing or possible future of our site and themes through the moving image.

    Course start 13.1. at 9:15 

    The course will focus around making a presentation that utilizes moving images in telling about an urban environment or phenomena. This can deal with the design the student is working on in her Studio, or some other location/issue - the goals of the assignment will be outlined by the student herself and discussed during the course. A set of lectures in the first spring period (period III) are meant to shed light on technical issues having to do with the moving image as a tool and a series of 'seminars' in the last period (period V) are used as 'mid-term reviews' or discussion sessions, where students can present their work and thinking in progress. The course finishes with presentations on the penultimate thursday of the semester (26.05.)

    Completing the course entails attending the lectures, participating in discussion and submitting an assignment at the end of the semester, as well as presenting the assignment for the group.
    The assignment will be given at the start of the course, during the first session (13.1.)

    Lectures/discussions (can change)

    13.01. Start of the course, discussion on assignments
    20.01. -
    27.01. -
    03.02. Lecture on Animation, its expression and tools / Tuula Leinonen, Executive in Residence, Master's Programme in Animation, Aalto. (Lecture Recordings)
    Material: Animation links / Animation tools
    10.02. Lecture on tools of Editing / Oskar Franzen, Cinema Editor. (Lecture Recordings)
    Material: links to editing tools & music and sound resources
    17.02. Lecture on tools of Cinematography / Jonathan Harvey, Cinematographer, Lecturer in Cinematography, Aalto. (Lecture Recordings)
    Material: links to cinematography resources
    24.02. Discussion on assignments Presentation order of workplans

    No sessions

    21.04. Seminar & discussion I
    28.04. Seminar & discussion II

    10:30-11:00 Jiaming Liang
    11:00-11:30 Emmi Sinkko
    11:30-12:00 Jonna Juusola

    05.05. Seminar & discussion III

    10:30-11:00 Phuong Doan
    11:00-11:30 Xinghe Guo
    11:30-12:00 Jenna Koivisto

    06.05. Väre Open Photostudio Visit 14-15 (put your name on the Photo Studio Visit list before 5.5. 13:00!)
    12.05. -
    19.05. -
    26.05. Deadline for submitting the assignments
    02.06. Presentation of assignments 2.6.2022 Final session schedule