Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    • ELO-E351201 Master class

      TV sarjan kehittely – TV series development 2-20.5.2022

      AP: morning 9.15-12h

      IP afternoon 13-16 or 17h


      Week 20: 

      MONDAY 16.5.

      NOTE: F102!!!

      • Prepare to write (and write) your one-pager + come to listen to Teea Hyytiä 13:45–15:00

      F102 is reserved 9:30–17:00 for you guys if you want to work alongside others. 

      I'll be hanging out there 10:00–13:00 and answer your questions, but there won't be official teaching.

      There will be teaching demonstrations by the screenwriting lecturer (käsikirjoituksen lehtori) applicants  9:00–13:00. My demonstration is 9:00–9:50.

      The demonstrations are in Finnish and consists of 20 min lecture on "deepening the character by screenwriting" (Henkilöhahmon syventäminen käsikirjoituksen keinoin), 20 min feedback session for one student about their screenplay and 10 minutes of audience questions. Raija Talvio has asked the MA screenwriters to come to watch the demonstrations. It's not obligatory, but highly recommended.

      Producer Teea Hyytiä (from Jarowskij Finland, formerly Zodiak Finland) will come to give you a lecture 13:45–15:00. I'll come to introduce her and will then go to an interview. I'll come to the end of the lecture.


      1. Check out the new materials at MyCourses Materials-section: https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=34137&section=1
      2. Read through the TV series concept cookbook Saara posted.
      3. Check out the deck for Friday 13th from "Relevant decks" if you weren't present at the class.
      4. Fill out ALL the slots (questions) in the 4th assignment table in your personal "column" – (e.g. Katri 4: QUESTIONS ABOUT YOU AND YOUR CONCEPT) – note that I have added Friday's slides about the elements of one-pager and logline to the Miro board as well.

      TUESDAY 17.5 


      • Write the first (raw) draft of your one-pager – send it to Katri via email by 4pm: katri.manninen@aalto.fi

      F102 is reserved from 9:30–17:00 for you guys if you want to work alongside others. 

      WEDNESDAY 18.5.

      G203 (second floor, walk up the stairs from the lobby, turn right and right again).

      • Feedback about your one pagers + Petja Peltomaa comes to talk to us

      9.15–10:30 – Feedback about your one pagers

      10:30–12:00 Showrunner, screenwriter and producer Petja Peltomaa from Yellow Film

      13:00–16:00 – Rest of the feedback for your one-pagers 

      THURSDAY 19.5.


      • Work on your pitch decks + visit at Rabbit Films (Kalasatama) to meet producer Minna Haapkylä

      G203 is reserved 9:30–17:00 for you guys if you want to work alongside others creating your pitch decks. You'll present your pitch decks on Friday to the whole group.

      11:15 Gathering in the lobby of Rabbit Films' building Panimokatu 2, Helsinki (Near Kalasatama Metro station)

      11:30–12:30 producer Minna Haapkylä

      FRIDAY 20.5.


      9:15–12:00 Presenting your projects

      12:00–13:00 Lunch

      13:00–16:15 Recap of what we have learned + what to do next + feedback for Katri