ELO-E351201 - MA Master Class D, Luento-opetus, 2.5.2022-20.5.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 20.05.2022 Etsi kursseja: ELO-E351201
Osion kuvaus
Fri 13th materials from Saara Tiedosto PDF
Täällä perjantain pitch deck koonti. Here the lecture on pitch deck.
TV series concept cookbook Tiedosto PDFHei,There was some discussion about what a concept should include. Here's one verion created by Lars Detlefsen, former teacher in National filmschool of Denmark sreenwiter's dep (1999-2015).He used this concept cookbook in many oif his classes, and it's still valid, even though the format now is more towards visual presentations as we spoke in class.
Relevant decks from Katri Kansio
Here you'll find the decks where there's more info than just the schedule of the day.
One-pagers Kansio