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    Rakennetun ympäristön paikkatiedot RYM-C2004 (GIS in built environment 2021)

    Welcome to the course. In fall 2021 the course will be offered mainly in English. The course will be mainly online. However, there will be two GIS clinics held on-site where students can join online or in person if they prefer.

    The first lecture will be on 13.09.2021 at 10:15-13:45.

    Responsible teacher: Kamyar Hasanzadeh, kamyar.hasanzadeh@aalto.fi

    Guest lecturers: Marketta Kyttä, Anna Kajosaari, Samira Ramezani, Petri Kangassalo

    Exercise: Kamyar Hasanzadeh, Anna Kajosaari  (etunimi.sukunimi@aalto.fi)


    * There can be minor changes to the timetable during the course
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    • Course implementation and forms of work:


      All the lectures will be held online in Fall 2021. We will use Zoom platform for all lectures and exercise sessions. You can join the session using this link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62398731436

      All lectures will be recorded and shared on my courses for those who cannot attend the live sessions. The contents will not and should not be shared outside the course.

      Attending the lectures or exercise sessions is not compulsory but of course recommended.


      Exercises will be arranged mostly online (GIS clinics). Exercise sessions will be organized in Zoom platform. You can access the sessions using the same link as lectures (here). There will be a few on-site exercise sessions that a limited number students can attend if they wish to. During the on-site exercise session the instructor will also be available online.

      The exercises are always published two days before the actual date for them on the calendar. You can already start working on them and show up for the GIS clinics if you have problems or questions. During the GIS clinics we will together go through part of the exercise. But the main goal is that during these exercise hours, the instructor is available to help you with your questions related to the exercises. If you need help with the exercise, book a call time using this form. The instructor will call you in zoom.


      How do I do the exercise remotely?

      A detailed instruction will be published with the exercise. Following the instructions you should be able to successfully complete the exercise. Video guidance may be also provided for some of the exercises.

      This fall we will use the GIS software QGIS. This is a free software and you can download it for free from www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html . The software is available for Windows, as well as macOS and Linux.

      You can also access the software remotely. read more here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/news/remote-access-to-windows-classroom-computers-during-covid-19-situation

      Windows 10 - A046
      Windows 10 - A046A
      Windows 10 - Maari C
      Windows 10 - Maari E

      If you do not have access to a personal computer you can find QGIS in the following classrooms. (Given the uncertatinties resulting from pandemic situation the availability of classrooms may very a anytime)  

      • Maari-C-D, Maari-E (Maarintalo)
      • U257, U344, U351, Y344 (Otakaari 1)
      • A046 ja A046a (Otakaari 1, A-osaston kellarikerros)
      Course evaluation criteria:

      Preliminary assignment: There is a compulsory preliminary task that you need to complete before the course starts. You will not be graded for this but you need to complete it in order to enroll in the course.

      Exercises: There are 6 exercises that make up 50% of your total grade in this course. Weights for exercises are as follows:

      H1: Visualization and basics (7%)

      H2: Vector analysis (7%)

      H3: Raster analysis (7%)

      H4: Spatial statistics (7%)

      H5: Network analysis (7%)

      H6: Problem solving with GIS (15%)

      Note: All exercises are individual tasks and cannot be done in groups.


      Written exam: The written exam will make up 50% of your overall grade in the course. Exam will be held on: 27.10.2021 (13-16) – (Re-exam: 22.12.2021)

      Lecture assignments: There will be short online assignments following some of the lectures. It is not compulsory to pass these quizzes. A full score on these assignments will have positive effect on your overall score.

      Final grade: The average of scores as stated above. Lecture assignments can have positive effect on the overall grade.

    • Learning outcomes:

      After completing this course, the student

      • Can describe the basic and special features of spatial data and its uncertainty
      • Understand the importance of spatial information in the design of the built environment
      • Can select and retrieve spatial data representing the built environment and use spatial data in a GIS
      • Can modify and analyze spatial data according to their needs
      • Recognizes methods of visual presentation of spatial data and is able to create a map that effectively conveys information



      Preliminary reading 27 pages – 8 hours

      Preliminary quiz - 2 hours

      Lectures and exercises (contact teaching & distance learning) - 60 hours

      Extra study time for lectures and doing exercises - 20 hours

      Lecture assignments – 5 hours

      Exam (preparation and taking exam) - 39 hours

      Total – 134 hours (1 cr=27 hours, 5cr= 135 hr)

      Additional reading of the course:

      Longley, Paul A. Goodchild, Michael F. Maguire, David J. Rhind, David W.. (2015). Geographic Information Science & Systems (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons.

      Heywood et al (2006/2011). An introduction to geographical information systems. Prentice Hall, Toronto.

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      Luentotehtävä 2 - Visualisointi - the good, the bad, and the ugly! Quiz -tehtävä