Osion kuvaus

    Not getting your things done. Delaying. Postponing. Doing things at the last minute. Procrastinating. This baby has many names. To simplify, procrastination means that something or some task(s) should get done, but it is not happening. The task is avoided, getting started with it is postponed, all sorts of other things are done instead, the task in question receives only minor attention, or it is done at the last minute, if at all. The end result is a list of undone tasks or tasks that feel poorly done for oneself. The end result may entail stress from the last-minute push or feelings of shame from not getting the task done. Procrastination causes harm for oneself – either bad feelings or concrete harm, such as worse grades or missing study credits, and a need to explain things for teachers and classmates. Procrastination = Postponing that causes harm for oneself.

    Next you can find a short text (A) about procrastination, a lesson (B) about procrastination and a final test (C) and task (D) about the factors affecting your own procrastination. There can be many factors behind your procrastination. Sometimes these factors can occur at the same time, and other times only one of the factors could be at play. Complete the test below, go over the lesson and finally complete the final survey and test, and learn more about procrastination and about why you are experiencing it. Before moving forward, please watch the following video, in which you will probably recognize something familiar.