Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome!

    Dear students,

    As a mandatory part of the Orientation to University Studies (MLI20A013), we will organize the Stress and Time Management Workshop (MLI20A014) with Sanni Saarimäki and Alli Mattila. Both are study psychologists at the Aalto University and they will be the instructors in these sessions.  

    The incoming class of 2021 is divided into two groups, 21 A and 21 B. The sessions for both groups are online and also the students, who are studying remotely, can complete this part of the Orientation to University Studies already now.

    BScBA21 A

    1. Stress and Time Management workshop by Sanni Saarimäki and Alli Mattila, psychologists, Aalto University on Wednesday, 6 October 2021, 16-18 (UTC +3 h) (Zoom: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64232486591).
    2. Workshop with group work (on MyCourses), assignments planned by Sanni Saarimäki and Alli Mattila, on Wednesday, 20 October 2021, 16-18 (UTC +3 h) , Sanni Saarimäki and Alli Mattila will be answering questions via Zoom ( https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64232486591).


    BScBA21 B

    1. Stress and Time Management workshop by Sanni Saarimäki and Alli Mattila, psychologists, Aalto University on Thursday, 7 October 2021, 16-18 (UTC +3 h) (Zoom: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64232486591).
    2. Workshop with group work (on MyCourses), assignments planned by Sanni Saarimäki and Alli Mattila, on Thursday 21 October 2021, 16-18 (UTC +3 h), Sanni Saarimäki and Alli Mattila will be answering questions via Zoom (https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64232486591).


    NOTE. To get this part completed, you must attend both sessions and the participation will be checked during the sessions.


    Here is the welcoming message from Sanni and Alli:

    Greeting from study psychologist Sanni and Alli! Soon, it's time for some time management and wellbeing, as we have a two-part-workshop coming up! :)

    First workshop (via Zoom) includes introduction to time management and its relation to stress and study motivation. During these exceptional times, with hybrid learning, self-studying and lot of uncertainty, taking care of your study skills and wellbeing is even more crucial than before. We will go through practical time management tips and also practice making individual week-schedules. We will spend part of the workshop listening to a study psychologists podcast episode so make sure to take your earphones with you and dress up according to the weather if you want to take a walk while listening. All materials will be found from MyCourses after this session for later use. At the end of this session, we, study psychologists Sanni Saarimäki and Alli Mattila, will give instructions for second workshop and group work.

    Second workshop is group-work-based (4 to 6 students in each group) and we will be answering possible questions via Zoom. This group work is about making a plan for a balanced study-year: How can you maintain your study motivation and help yourselves during stressful times? What are possible obstacles “on the horizon” and what you can/should do to support each other? The instructions and materials can be found on MyCourses in advance. This group work is designed to be finished in two hours and it will be delivered as a group (not individual) to us Sanni and Alli via MyCourses.

    Links and all the other practical information about this workshop will be there on MyCourses a few days in advance, and we will send you information via e-mail as well, so don’t stress about this. 😉

    You are warmly welcome to join, see you soon! We are looking forward to meet you all via Zoom!

    Kind regards,

    Sanni and Alli

    Study psychologists,

    sanni.saarimaki@aalto.fi & alli.mattila@aalto.fi

    • Tehtävä icon

      Did you not participate in FIRST workshop? Here is what to do now. :)

      Read carefully materials from the first workshop (https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=34468&section=1), especially powerpoints and listen the podcast about time-management (see powerpoints).

      Then, write short essay, 0.5-1 page.

      • How would you describe your time management skills in general to somebody else? How realistic has your time planning been so far? If it hasn’t been realistic, what are the main reasons for that? What works for you in managing time and what does not, especially during these times of hybrid-learning?
      • What have you learned (and why) about time management while studying in Mikkeli during your autumn 2021 or while reading these materials from first workshop? If you feel you haven't learn anything new, tell us a bit about why not (for example, you were already skilled in time management, etc)?
      • Do you have any useful tips or other ideas of planning and scheduling studies, which were not mentioned in this set of materials (workshop 1)? They may include methods you have used previously or that you came across elsewhere over the time. Make a list of them and explain why they work for you. Give as many ideas you want, but at least one or two.
      • Send your assignment by Monday, November 1, 2021 to Sanni Saarimäki and Alli Mattila here via MyCourses.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Did you not participate in SECOND workshop? Here is what to do now. :)

      Your task is to design what a “balanced school year” means for you. The final “product” can be for example a writing, poster, video, drawing or two or more of these options connected together. Start first by reading the materials Sanni has provided at the end of secon workshop page (especially short texts about stress, perfectionism and self-compassion): https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=34468&section=2 

      In your assignment you should answer at least to these questions:

      • What a balanced life means for you? How do you notice if your life is in balance or not? How distant/remote studying and learning can affect your study motivation and wellbeing (positively and negatively)?
      • What could “balance” mean for you (students) in these times of global uncertainty? How can you make your life a balanced-one? Or is it even possible during pandemia-times? If yes/not, why? What obstacles or stressors can there be waiting for you?
      • What helps you when problems might arrive? What can you do in advance to make it easier for you to overcome problems? 
      • How can you support each other's wellbeing and study/work motivation? 
      • From where can you get help/ support/ tips when you or your fellow-students need it?
      • What kind of stress and time management tips would you recommend to others (what have you tried yourself and found useful) especially for remote/distant studying and promoting your study-wellbeing?
      • Send your assignment by Friday, November 5, 2021 via MyCourses.