Topic outline

  • Group work:

    Sanni and Alli will divide you into groups at the beginning of second workshop, so be there in Zoom on time!

    This group work is designed to be accomplished in groups of 4 to 6 students. Your task is to design what a “balanced school year” means for your group. The final “product” can be for example a writing, poster, video, drawing or two or more of these options connected together – but it should answer these questions somehow:

    • What a balanced (study or work) life means for you? How do you notice if your life is in balance or not? How distant/remote studying and learning can affect your study motivation and wellbeing (positively and negatively)?

    • What could “balance” mean for you (students) in these times of uncertainty? How can you make your life a balanced-one? Or is it even possible? If yes/not, why? What obstacles or stressors can there be waiting for you?
    • What helps you when problems might arrive? What can you do in advance to make it easier for you to overcome problems? 
    • How can you support each other's wellbeing and study/work motivation? 
    • From where can you get help/ support/ tips when you or your fellow-students need it?
    • What kind of stress and time management tips would you recommend to others (what have you tried yourself and found useful) especially for remote/distant studying and promoting your study-wellbeing?

    How to get started:

    1. Check that all participants are really "here" and microphones are working and you can hear each other. Also, if possible, open your cameras so you don't have to talk to empty screens! If you don't know each other well yet, you can use some time to introduce yourselves. Write down names of all participants somewhere (in case one of you loses the Zoom-connection and has to come back later, but you don't remember in which group you where).

    2. Read these instructions carefully. Choose if one of you is going to take notes or if everyone is making their own notes. Then, talk about the questions ("balanced school year") together. You all have studied something before - so use all experiences you have had. Share your thoughts with group. Make sure that everyone in group has a chance to tell their ideas. Use about 15-20 minutes for this "mind-storming" AND WRITE DOWN IDEAS WHILE MIND-STORMING (no need to decide yet which ones will be used for your presentation).

    3. After mindstorming: As a group, decide how would like to present your answers. Maybe you will discuss a bit more and then make a PowerPoint-presentation? Maybe you make a short video via Zoom about the theme? Maybe you want to do a short essay? Or are you feeling like collecting pictures and texts together and make virtual "poster"? It's up to you! You can find materials about important themes that might be useful in our MyCourses page, so check them out!

    4. Make your presentation together, remember write your first and last names (every one in your group who was there present) in it, and when it's ready, download it to this MyCo-page, so Sanni and Alli can read it and comment it in upcoming days. Ps. Before sending, check again that you really did write the names (otherwise we can't know who have actually taken part in this)! Thanks :)

    5. If you have any questions, Sanni and Alli will be answering them via Zoom during the second workshop.

    • Finished with your group assigment?

    • Assignment icon

      When you have finished your group work:

      - Check that you have written your group number and names, of all those who took part in this assignment, somewhere in your assigment, clearly!

      - Save you work (it can be pdf, docx, image, etc.)

      - One of you uploads this assigment via this box (so one upload per one group)!

    • Help? Sanni is answering your questions via Zoom and via e-mail sanni.saarimaki(a)

    • Materials that could be useful for you when making your presentation.

    • File icon

      "Measure" you wellbeing-level easily.

    • Page icon

      Read more about stress and stress-management.

    • Page icon

      Read more about perfectionism

    • Page icon

      Read more about self-compassion and its benefits.

    • Book icon

      Read this "book" of tips how to make more of your studies.

      You can read about the following issues in this section:

      • How to get more interested in the studies?
      • Do you know what you are supposed to learn in the courses?
      • Do you get feedback for your studying?
      • Can studying in a group be beneficial?