Topic outline

  • Learning Outcomes: After this module you are able to

    • select methods for collecting feedback
    • discuss and evaluate how teaching methods and feedback are used in your discipline

    Individual assignment:

    Course plan version 4.0 (DL 8.12.2021): To this version, please add the following chapters and pedagogically justify your choices:

    • Course workload (both from students and the teacher's side)
    • Is the workload realistic considering the student group (bachelor, masters, Ph.D. students)? is the workload distributed evenly/unevenly? What might cause the perception of too big workload
    • Educational technology: How do you use digital tools/platforms in your course (e.g. Wiki, MyCourses,  Adobe Connect, A+, Rubyric, Presemo…). Give also justifications for using chosen tools.

    You will get facilitator feedback by Friday 10th December 4pm. 

    Course plan Final version 5.0 (DL 15.12.2021): Write the final version of your course plan and include the following topics in it:

    • How do you plan to collect student feedback (during and after a course)
    • How do you plan to utilize it in course development. 

    NOTE: Submit your course plans to Course plan: template, versions and drop box for versions 4.0 and final

    Group assignment:

    Solve the case! Peer Groups' Case-solutions DL 8.12.2021. Comments and discussion during 9.12.-14.12.2021. Familiarize yourself with other groups' Case solutions and at least comment the solution made for your group's written case. Be prepared to reflect your group's case and it's solution to others during the last session. What did you learn during the process? 

    • Learning materials (optional)