ELEC-E3290, Micronova Special Assignment, 10.11.2021 - 31.07.2022
Topic outline
MICRONOVA SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT gives you the unique opportunity of carrying a special assignment in the field of Photonics & Nanotechnology in any of the ELE´s research group in Micronova.
There is no syllabus or fixed content for this course, so we invite you to contact any of us in Micronova for further inquiry about options for the assignment (research assignment, literature survey, etc.)
Feel free to contact any of us for further information (firstname.lastname@aalto.fi):
Nanoscience & Advanced Materials, Prof. Harri Lipsanen
Electron Physics, Prof. Hele Savin
Organic Electronics, Prof. Caterina Soldano
Optoelectronics, Prof. Markku Sopanen
Photonics, Prof. Zhipei Sun
Micro & Quantum Systems, Prof. Ilkka Tittonen