Topic outline

  • General

    In this seminar, we explore the wide range of research methods that are used to study human experiences. These methods range from qualitative to quantitative, and we span the research process from planning the study to reporting it.

    Following the commitment to enhance multidisciplinary research of human experiences, the aim of this doctoral seminar is to foster and support collaboration between doctoral candidates from different Aalto schools. Learning methods for experience research together, and sharing expertise will lower the threshold for including new, complementary approaches and methods to one’s research project. Human experience is a multi-faceted research topic, and often making sense of it would require a rich palette of methods. No one masters all the methods. By introducing methods and method experts we encourage doctoral candidates to collaborate within the use of different methods to extend the use of multiple methods and viewpoints in their research projects.

    The research seminar started with an introduction session. The following seminar sessions consist of presentations, demonstrations, and discussions on experience research, with contributions from seminar participants as well as experts from different Aalto schools to further support the implementation and collaboration in the use of methods.

    Course schedule:

    Lectures: Monday 9:15-12

    Aalto Väre TBD or


    10.1. Kick-off: Teija Vainio & Markus Ahola (ARTS)

    17.1. What is experience and why it is important? Virpi Roto

    24.1. Marketta Kyttä (ENG)

    31.1. Evaluating user experience and values over time Sari Kujala (SCI)

    7.2. How to do design research in a participatory way? Matti Rossi (BIZ)

    14.2. TBD

    21.2. Employee experience? - Capturing it with ethnography? Hertta Vuorenmaa (BIZ)

    28.2. TBD

    7.3. TBD

    14.3. Linda Henriksson (SCI)

    21.3. TBD

    28.3. TBD

    4.4. Presentations