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      Presentation on your own doctoral research project in the lecture you find the most beneficial for your research. (Book a slot during the first lecture).

      Prepare a short presentation (max. 15 min.) on your own doctoral research project and reflect different experience research methods in your presentation. The aim of this assignment is to discuss the pros and coins of different research methods related to your own doctoral project.

      When you book a slot for your presentation, please give the title of your research topic and submit your presentation (either your slides or the summary of your research plan) under the Assigments at MyCourse platform. Please do that at least three days before your presentation. You should send your presentation to your opponent as well.

      The schedule of the students' presentation can be found here at the course home page.

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      Describe briefly what is the topic of your study and which methods you are planning to use

      Describe the research methods issues that you may confront while conducting your research.

      Compare two research methods introduced during the seminar.

      The written report should be about min 5 pages long with the references (font size 12 pt, line spacing 1,15 and margins 20 mm)

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      Written feedback of one of your colleagues' method report (approx. 2 pages).

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