Enrolment options

Course space for Examination
Where to find all examinations?

In most cases a course already has a MyCourses work space. In these cases the examinaton is usually in the same space. If you have registered in a course in Oodi, you should have access to the course work space by default. So, always check first
the course's MyCourses space.

How to get in a MyCourses exam course space?
  1. Self enrolment: click on Self enrolment in the right top corner of this page. Note! In most cases you need a key to enroll. Usually it is send to students after examination registration in Oodi is closed or day before examination. If
    you do not have it day before examination, please contact the teacher responsible for the examination.
  2. If you know that the teacher has manually enrolled you but you are still unable to get in to the exam space, please ensure that you are logged in. If this does not help please contact the teacher.

View all Examinations in Oodi

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)