Topic outline

  • Perushylly

    Aristoteles (1981-) Teokset I-IX, Helsinki:Gaudeamus

    Coplestone, F. (1994) A History of Philosophy vol I-8. New York: Doubleday

    Gottlieb, A. (2001) The Dream of Reason, London:Penguin

    Habermas, J. (1987) The Philosophical Discourse on Modernity, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press

    Heidegger, M.(2000) Kirje Humanismista/Maailmankuvan aika, Helsinki:Granum

    Platon (1999) Teokset I -VII, Helsinki:Otava

    Saarinen, E. (1985) Länsimaisen filosofian historia huipulta huipulle Sokrateesta Marxiin, Helsinki:WSOY

    Saarinen, E. (1999) Symposium, Helsinki:WSOY

    Thesleff, H & Sihvola, J. (1994) Antiikin filosofia ja aatemaailma, Helsinki: WSOY

    Watson, P. (2001) The Modern Mind, New York: Harper Collins

    Suuret Filosofitosat 1-24 (2001) Helsinki: Otava 

    Soveltava filosofia

    Berlin, I (2001) Vapaus, ihmisyys ja historia, Helsinki: Gaudeamus

    Cicero (1998) Vanhuudesta; Ystävyydestä; Velvollisuuksista, Helsinki:WSOY

    Comte-Sponville, A. (2001 ) Pieni kirja suurista hyveistä, Helsinki: Basam Books

    De Botton, A (2000) The Consolations of Philosophy, New York: Pantheon Books

    (On suomeksi, Filosofian lohdtukset, WSOY)

    Diogenes Laertios (2002) Merkittävien filosofien elämät ja opit, Helsinki: Summa

    Epiktetos (1978) Käsikirja ja keskusteluja, Helsinki:Otava

    Hadot, P. (1995) Philosophy as a Way of Life, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers

    Himanen, P. (2000) Hakkerietiikka, Helsinki:WSOY

    Koivsto, J. & Mäki, M. & Uusitupa, T. (toim), (1995) Mitä on valistus, Tampere: Vastapaino

    Lahav, R & Tillmans, M.(eds.)(1997) Essays on Philosophical Counselling, Lanham: University Press of America

    Levy, B-H. (2003) Sartre - The Philosopher of the Twentieth Century, London: Polity Press

    Liehu, H. (1998) Perhosten valtakunta: Manifesti viimeisestä tulevaisuudesta, Helsinki: Sphinx

    Magee, B. (1997) Confessions of a Philosopher, New York: Random House

    Marinoff, L.(1999) Plato not Prozac, New York; Harper Collins

    Morris,T. (1997) If Aristotle Ran General Motors: The New Soul of Business, New York: Henry Holt & Co

    Nussbaum, M. (2001).The Upheavals of Thought, Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press

    Raabe, P.B. (2001) Philosophical Counselling, Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers

    Schuster, S. (1999) Philosophy Practice, Westport, Conneticut: Praeger

    Singer, P. (1995) How are we to live - Ethics in the Age of Self-Interest. New York: Prometheus

    Sloterdijk, P. (1988) Critique of Cynical Reason, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

    Steiner, G. (1992) Martin Heidegger, New York: The VikingPress

    Taylor, M.C. & Saarinen, E. (1994) Imagologies: Media Philosophy, NewYork: Routledge


    Alexander, C. (1979) The Timeless way of Building, New York: Oxford University Press

    Bailey, D. (1993) Improvisation, Its Nature and Practice in Music, New York: DaCapo Press

    Bloom, H.(1998) Shakespeare- The Invention of the Human, New York: Riverhead Books

    Cameron, J & Bryan, M. (1992) The Artist Way: A Spriritual Path to Higher Creativity, New York:G.P.Putnams

    Gehry, F. (2001) Architect, New York: Harry N Abrams
    John-Steiner, V. (2000) Creative Collaboration, Oxford University Press

    Johnstone, K. (1989) Impro:Improvisation and the Theatre, New York: Theatre Arts Books

    Gehry, F. (1999) Gehry Talks, New York: Rizzoli International Publications

    Mau, B. (2000) Life Style, Harrisburg, PA: Phaidon Press Inc.

    Peters, Tom (2004) Re-Imagine, New York: Dorling Kindersley

    Pfenninger, Karl. (2001) The Origins of Creativity, Oxford: Oxford University Press


    Albom, M. (1997) Tuesdays with Morrie, New York: Warner Books

    Thich Nhat Hanh (1997) Elävä Buddha, Elävä Kristus, Helsinki:WSOY

    Gothoni, Ralf (2001) Pyöriikö kuu, Helsinki: Ajatus kustannusosakeyhtiö

    Hadot, P (2002) What is Ancient Philosophy?, Cambridge, Massachussets: Harvard University Press

    McCartney, P. & Miles, B. (2002) Eilinen, Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Jalava


    Senge, P.(1990) The fifth Discipline- The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, New York: Currency Doubleday

    Senge, P. (1994) The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook- Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization, NewYork: Nicholas Brealey Publishing

    Flood, R.L. (2001) Rethinking the Fifth Discipline. Routledge: London

    Flood, R.L. & Romm, N.R.A. (1996) Critical Systems Thinking, New York: Plenum Press

    Midgley, G. (2000) Systemic Intervention – Philosophy, Methodology, and Practice, New York: Kluwer Academic


    Bennett-Goleman, T. (2002) Tunteiden alkemiaa, Helsinki:Otava

    Bruner,J. (1996) The Culture of Education, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
    John-Steiner, V. (1997) Notesbooks of the Mind, Oxford University Press

    Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. (2000) Choices, Values and Frames, New York: Russel Sage

    Lakoff, G. (1983) Metaphors we Live By, Chicago: Chicago University Press

    Nietzsche, F. (1989) Beyond Good and Evil, New York: Vintage Books

    Peterson, J. (1999) Maps of Meaning, The Architecure of Belief, New York: Routledge

    Sternberger, R.J.(ed.) (1990) Wisdom, New York: Cambridge University Press


    Bohm, D. (1996) On Dialogue, London: Routledge

    Isaacs, W.(1999) Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together, New York: Doubleday

    Dixon, N. (1998) Dialogue at Work, Plymouth: Lemos & Crane

    Nelson, L. 1965 Socratic Method and Critical Philosophy: Selected Essays, translated by Brown, Thomas K. Dover: NewYork

    Wenger, E. (1999) Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity, Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press

    Wenger, E. (2002) Cultivating Communities of Practice, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press

    Itsensä johtaminen

    Kaplan, R. (2001). Warrior Politics, New York: Random House

    Montaigne, M. (1999) Esseitä, Helsinki:WSOY

    Sun Tzu (2002) The Art of War, Writers Club Press

    Gardner, H. (1995) Leading Minds, New York: Basic Books

    Miller, W. I (2000) The Mystery of Courage, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press

    Johnson, P. (1990) Intellectuals, New York: HarperCollins

    Jaworski, J. (1996) Synchronicity, San Francisco:Berrett-Kohler Publishers

    Saarinen, E. & Lonka, K. (2000) Muodonmuutos, Helsinki:WSOY

    Arvot ja etiikka

    Canetti, E. (1998) Joukko ja Valta,Helsinki: Loki-kirjat

    Hjelm, T & Slotte, S. (2002) Dialogi hyvästä elämästä. Helsinki: Tammi

    Taylor, C. (1992) Autenttisuuden Etiikka, Helsinki: Gaudeamus

    MacIntyre, A. (1981) After Virtue, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press

    Taylor, C.(1989) Sources of the Self, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

    Williams, BEthics and the Limits of Philosophy, London: Fontana Press/Collins

    Wright, R. (1995). The Moral Animal, New York: Vintage Books

    Business-, organisaatiofilosofia ja etiikka

    Geuss, A. (1979) The Living Company, London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing

    Miettinen, E. & Saarinen, E. (1990) MuutostekijäHelsinki: WSOY

    Dalla Costa, J. (1998) The Ethical Imperative- Why Moral Leadership is Good Business, New York: Perseus Books

    Maclagan, P. (1998) Management and Morality. London: Sage Publications

    Collins, J. (2001) Hyvästä paras. Helsinki: Kauppakaari

    Senge, P. (1999) The Dance of Change, London: Nicholas Bearley Publishing


    Beatles (2000). The Anthology, New York: Cassells&Co

    Bateson, M.C. (1990) Composing a life, New York: New American Library

    Cohen-Solal, A. (1998) Sartre, Helsinki:WSOY

    Giddens, A. (1993) Transformation of Intimacy. Love, Sexuality and Eroticisism in Modern Societies, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press

    Greenfield, E. (1997) For The Love of The Game: Michael Jordan and Me, New York: Harper Collins

    Hauser, T. (1992) Muhammad Ali - His Life and Times, New York: Touchstone

    James, W. Elämän ihanteita (1916)

    Nasar, S. (1998) A Beautiful Mind,New York Simon & Schuster,

    Nietzsche, F. (1993) Ecce Homo, New York: Penguin

    Rogers, C. (1995) On Becoming a Person, New York: Mariner Books

    Shelton, R. (1997) No Direction Home, The Life and Music of Bob Dylan, New York: DaCapo Press