Topic outline

  • Course Outline and Materials

    This introductory course is designed to support 1st/2nd year doctoral students in understanding how to build an early-career academic research profile and how to connect to and network with the international academic community. Students will also learn about the main academic conferences, academic journals, and publishing processes in their research field. They also gain practical insights into how to craft of a convincing doctoral research plan and how to apply for research funding from different funding bodies. After the course the students will better understand the different ways a PhD journey can serve as promising foundation for an academic career in their field of interest. Following the learning goals, the course is divided into four sessions providing students with understandings and ‘tips & tricks’ for applying for funding, building an academic profile, connecting to the international academic community, crafting a doctoral research plan, and writing and revising papers to be considered for publication. Class discussions will support this learning and sharing of experiences, ideas, and questions. Teachers in charge will also provide introductions to the key themes and issues, provide the necessary reading materials, and assignments. Please note that the teachers will always implement continuous feedback from students during the course. Hence, some themes and assignments might be adjusted from session to session depending on emerging needs.