
  • Allmänt

    A!ENG RESEARCH LAB is a doctoral level course focusing on principles of science, research and scientific writing. The course is designed mainly for early-stage doctoral students in engineering fields, yet those in the later stage of their doctoral studies are also welcome. The course themes are Aalto doctoral process (ENG), research methodology, career planning and time management, project management, career and well-being, as well as scientific writing. The course hosts guest lecturers from different backgrounds to lecture about the course themes. This is a great platform for doctoral students to meet and interact with peer doctoral candidates and receive support. 

    The course includes a three-day Scientific Writing Seminar focusing on the importance of scientific writing and motivation behind writing and publishing high quality articles. Our special guest Professor Emeritus Bengt Lundberg from Uppsala University will share his old and latest writing experiences. 

    The course is organized in the fifth study period (13.4.-29.5.2022) covering 3 credits.

    Contact: Dr Roza Yazdani (roza.yazdani@aalto.fi)