
  • Themes of the session:

    • Sustainable development goals

    Session materials

    Session chat with among others participants' justifications to the provocative question of "which one SDG would you choose, if you could reach one with a silver bullet"

    Homework for our next session:

    Assignment (see below)

    Reading task for session 4: Tejedor et. al., 2019.

    Video (10 min) Example of using SDGs in teaching (Tomi Kauppinen, Aalto e-learning)

    Discussion with student

    Book a timeslot for an informal discussion with a student from your field (can be from your own course, guild, student association …). Discuss from a student perspective, e.g.:   

    • Has his/her education included sustainability topics thus far? Enough? Too much? What is lacking or getting too much attention? 

    • Does the student feel competent in implementing possible sustainability-related tasks in working life (after graduation)? Why/why not? 

    • What expectations does the student have for university education in relation to sustainability?