JOIN.bsc - Bachelor's Thesis and Seminar, Lectures, 6.6.2022-31.8.2022
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Topic outline
Thesis Templates (LaTeX & Word doc) Page
You will find information the Aalto Word template and a link to the Aalto LaTeX material here.
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Academic Style Guides
Vancouver referencing (or author-number referencing)
IEEE Editorial Style Manual for Authors - Note: The IEEE is arguably the most widely utilised of the Vancouver style guides. At only 23 pages, it points to Chicago Manual of Style for additional support on usage and grammar.
IEEE Computer Society Style Guide -
American Mathematical Society -
Harvard referencing (or author-date referencing)
American Psychological Association (Maurice's recommendation if you plan on using an Author-Date style.)Chicago Manual of Style -
Detailed information about Chicago Manual of Style at Purdue OWLNote: Chicago allows for both author-date (e.g. Smith, 2002) and notes & bibliography styles of citation. The latter which utilises superscript notes with in-text citations is typically not used in science and engineering, but it is used in the Arts and Humanities. -
Academic Writing
General support
Academic Writing in English (Aalto) -
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) -
Use of Images in Theses
Aalto Learning Centre
Common Issues
Verb tense usage in scientific writing