Topic outline

  • Practicalities

    Welcome to the summer course Health Technology Assessment (3 ECTS)!

    This is an introductory course on Health Technology Assessment open to all interested students, although some basic understanding of the healthcare system is preferred. The course consists of 5 lectures:

    1. Introduction to HTA

    2. Outcome measures in Healthcare

    3. Economic Evaluation

    4. Societal, Ethical, and Political Evaluation

    5. Final presentations

    During the course you get to work on incrementally evaluating a health technology of your choice and present your work in the final lecture. Health Technology Assessment is a multidisciplinary field that covers everything from medicines to digital therapies to social programs so students with different interest and backgrounds are very welcome.

    Lectures are held at 9.8., 12.8., 16.8., 19.8., and 23.8. in Otaniemi, from 14:15 to 15:45.