Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the world of quantum mechanics!

    Lecture notes as well as practical information from the first lecture are available under Materials. The exercises are published each Tuesday under Assigments. To discuss exercises, we use Zulip.

    Exam and grading

    The exam will consist of 5 problems, worth 6 points each, for a total of 30 points. By completing exercises, you can earn up to 6 bonus points towards the exam, and you also get 0.5 points for completing the course feedback. The final grade will be determined by , where is the exam points,   the exercise points and is the bonus from feedback.

    The precise point limits for grades will be determined when we know the final distribution of points, but 30 points will be a grade of 5 for sure.

    The bonus points you earn from exercises and feedback will count towards the first exam you take. So if you are unable to attend the exam at the end of period V, you can go to the re-exam later and still get the bonus points from exercises. However, if you take the exam now and then try again in the re-exam, you will only get points for the exam.

    Image credit: Heikka Valja.