Topic outline

  • General


    Welcome to the High Voltage Engineering Course.


    Place for In-Person Meetings: Maarintie 8, Room AS1

    FEM Assignment is now available here

    Please find the Lecture, Exercise Sessionsand Homeworks as follows:

    05 Sep. 2022 - Lecture 01

    12 Sep. 2022 - Lecture 02

    19 Sep. 2022 - Lecture 03 and Exercise 01

    26 Sep. 2022 - Lecture 04

    03 Oct. 2022 - Lecture 05 and Exercise 02

    10 Oct. 2022 - Lecture 06 and DL Homework 01

    17 Oct. 2022 - No Lecture

    24 Oct. 2022 - Lecture 07 and Exercise 03

    31 Oct. 2022 - Lecture 08 and DL Homework 02

    07 Nov. 2022 - Lecture 09 and Exercise 04

    14 Nov. 2022 - Lecture 10 and Exercise 05 and DL Homework 03

    21 Nov. 2022 - Lecture 11


    Exercise questions are published 1 week before the session, and solutions after the session. Homework questions are published 2 weeks before a deadline (DL). Homework 1 gives 6 points, homeworks 2 and 3 give 7 points each, 20 points in total.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Choice icon
      Exam date and time Choice

      Some of the course participants have another exam overlapping with the High Voltage exam. We offer you some dates and times to address this problem. 

      NOTE: We should find a date and time that works for all, so please choose all the options that work for you.