Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to Virtual Acoustics 2023!

    In this course, you will learn the fundamental techniques of room acoustic modeling and spatial audio processing.

    The Virtual Acoustics course is in-person only and uses the flipped-classroom method. The lectures (60-90min) are provided as videos one week before the corresponding contact session. The contact session gives time to discuss, ask and reflect on the lecture material. In addition, there will be a Matlab demo session 45mins to explain a new task for the home assignment and/or explanation of the solutions for the previous week's assignment.

    The main teachers will be prof. Tapio Lokki and prof. Sebastian J. Schlecht. In addition, MSc Chris Hold will be a teaching assistant, particularly for the home assignments.

    Course communication is done via Slack. Please sign in and join #virtual-acoustics-2023

    We like to get to know you. Please fill out the Pre-Course Questionnaire.

    Virtual Acoustics 2023, schedule (version 2023-01-25)
    Date Topic Lecturer Assignment 
    11.01.2023 Introduction, convolution, auralization (off-line + real-time)
    Tapio Lokki
    18.01.2023 Head-Related Transfer Functions + binaural rendering
    Q&A Session
    Tapio Lokki

    Due A1
    25.01.2023 Vector Base Amplitude Panning
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A1 + introduction of A2
    Ville Pulkki
    01.02.2023 Ambisonics - Mathematical basis
    Q&A Session
    Chris Hold


    Due A2
    08.02.2023 Ambisonics - Encoding & Decoder
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A2 + introduction of A3
    Chris Hold

    15.02.2023 Room Acoustics - Ray-based modeling
    Q&A Session
    Lauri Savioja

    Due A3
    01.03.2023 Room Acoustics - Wave-based modeling
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A3 + introduction of A4
    Sebastian Schlecht

     Due A4
    08.03.2023 Artificial reverberation - overview and DSP structures
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A4 + introduction of A5
    Vesa Välimäki
    15.03.2023 Artificial reverberation - Feedback Delay Networks
    Q&A Session
    Sebastian Schlecht
     Due A5
    22.03.2023 Measurement-based spatial reverberation - capturing, SIRR and SDM
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A5 + introduction of A6
    Tapio Lokki

    29.03.2023 Directional Audio Coding
    Q&A Session
    Ville Pulkki
     Due A6
    05.04.2023 Course Recap
    Assignment Session: Explanation of A6
    Sebastian Schlecht