Topic outline

  • Mechatronics Exercises Home

    The goal of this course is to introduce the student on how to plan and implement a simple microcontroller-driven mechatronic system. This includes designing the system by choosing suitable components, planning out circuits for the sensors and actuators, and supplying the required power to the system. The solutions are generally based on Arduino boards.

    The course consists of lectures, guided lab exercises, MyCourses quizzes, and a project done in small groups. Further information regarding the course's schedule, implementation, and grading will be presented during the introductory lecture.

    The course will start with introduction lecture on Tuesday 10.01.2023 at 12-14 (Room U147 in the Undergraduate Centre). The exercises will begin on the same week, as well. First week lab schedule is (enrollment in the Exercises page):

    Tuesday 14-16
    Wednesday 14-16    

    Friday 10-12

    The gala to present the projects, Mechatronic Circus, will be organized on Thursday 13.4.2023.

    Projects from previous years can be found on the course's wiki page.

    NOTE: While all course material is available in English, the lectures will be held in Finnish. Lab exercises and other tasks can all be done in English.

    Teaching Staff

    Responsible teacher:  Panu Kiviluoma

    Course and Lab assistants : Valtteri Turkki (tg @valtttu) & Jaakko Laitinen (tg @Jaakko3)


    Contact the course assistants via e-mail. Regarding more personal matters, you can contact the course teacher directly via e-mail.