REC-E4100 - Real Estate Finance D, Lecture, 27.2.2023-13.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 13.04.2023 Search Courses: REC-E4100
Topic outline
Welcome to the course!
We are compiling the materials of the course here during February.
Also, please note that there are mandatory pre-requisites for the course (Real Estate Market Analysis). As you will not have the grades of the course published before the course starts, the enrolments in SISU will first be rejected. We will deal with this issue manually, so be patient.Regardless of SISU , all students who have completed REMA (or complete it now in 3rd period) are welcome to the course and students who have not completed the course cannot participate in the course.
Course indicative schedule
Date Topic 27.2. Introduction 28.2. Real estate returns 6.3. 13.15- 17.00 Real Estate Indices, Return and Risk of Real Estate (Martin Hoesli) 7.3. 10.30 - 12 and 13-14.30 Portfolio Diversification, Derivatives (Martin Hoesli) 13.3. Implementing a real estate portfolio strategy and dimensions of diversification 14.3. Alternative ways to invest in real estate 20.3. Listed instruments (REIT+REOC) 21.3. Private equity real estate funds 27.3. Open-ended real estate funds 28.3. Role of management 4.4. Debt and real estate (I) 5.4. Debt and real estate (II) Preliminary tutorial scheduleDate Topic 3.3. Risk and return 10.3. Indices and portfolios 17.3. Portfolios 24.3. Listed real estate and Private equity real estate 31.3. Open-end funds and Management 14.4. Q&A (and Debt)