REC-E3600 - Real Estate Market Analysis D, Lecture, 12.1.2023-24.2.2023
This course space end date is set to 24.02.2023 Search Courses: REC-E3600
Topic outline
Course starts! We are looking forward to starting this course Thu 12th of January 2023 at 13.15.
Lectures and exercise sessions are held on Thursdays (13-15) in the lecture room U9 U271 (Address Otakaari 1) and Fridays (10-12) in the computer room Maari C-D (Win) 184-186 (Address Sähkömiehentie 3). The course content and detailed timetable will be presented during the first lecture.
Best regards
In case you have any questions, please contact
Practicalities shortly (e.g. timetable) Folder
Lecture slides and readings Folder
Group assignment: Instructions, materials, groups, and submission folder for the MEMO
Pair assignment: Instructions, materials, and submission folder
Looking for a pair for the pair assignment? Forum
Submit your group assignment pitch (PP-slides) here! DL 15.2.
Course grades Folder