Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome!

    Course starts! We are looking forward to starting this course Thu 12th of January 2023 at 13.15.

    Lectures and exercise sessions are held on Thursdays (13-15) in the lecture room U9 U271 (Address Otakaari 1and Fridays (10-12) in the computer room Maari C-D (Win) 184-186 (Address Sähkömiehentie 3). The course content and detailed timetable will be presented during the first lecture. 

    Best regards


    In case you have any questions, please contact saija.toivonen@aalto.fi



    • Kansio icon
      Practicalities shortly (e.g. timetable) Kansio
    • Kansio icon
      Lecture slides and readings Kansio
    • Tehtävä icon
      Group assignment: Instructions, materials, groups, and submission folder for the MEMO Tehtävä
    • Tehtävä icon
      Pair assignment: Instructions, materials, and submission folder Tehtävä
    • Keskustelualue icon
      Looking for a pair for the pair assignment? Keskustelualue
    • Tehtävä icon
      Submit your group assignment pitch (PP-slides) here! DL 15.2. Tehtävä
    • Kansio icon
      Course grades Kansio