Topic outline

  • WEEK 5       WED 29.3. 

    Assignment due: Online modules 4 and 5 completed. Bring A4 to class for peer feedback.

    7) 12.30-14.00    

    • Presentation workshop 1: general principles and organization


    • Reading and analysis: peer feedback on A4

    HOMEWORK: Revise A4 based on peer feedback; Begin drafting A6 (presentation outline)

    • Presentation Workshop 1 Tasks

      TASK: Elements of effective presentations

      First, decide on roles: chair, secretary, speaker

      1. Think of an excellent lecture or presentation that you have attended and remember. Brainstorm what features of the speaker's style and content made it memorable and effective. 5 min

      2.  Opposite side of the coin: a catastrophic presentation. Why was it a disaster? 5 min

      3. Reflect further. What advice would you give to a friend giving a presentation. Note down 3 dos and 3 don'ts. Be prepared to share. 5 min

      TASK: Presentation outlines

      Look at the outline template in MyCourses. Take a moment to think about what would be the logical structure for your presentation (main points).