
  • Syllabus/Course info

    ELO-E6507 Special Areas in Costume Design, 16.5.2023-26.5.2023, 4 cr:

    Character Design & Devising through the bodily experience of costume.


    This course consists of two workshops that are connected to the ‘Embodied Experience of Costume’ - research project (2022-23). Please note! You can participate in the course without taking part in the research project.


    Workshop 1: CHARACTER DESIGN

    Teacher: Maarit Kalmakurki, maarit.kalmakurki@aalto.fi

    This workshop focuses on costume-led character development specifically in the context of digital environments. During the experimental workshop, students use their own bodily experiences of wearing in the creation of digital character’s design, movement and dialogue.


    Workshop 2: DEVISING

    Teacher: Susanna Suurla, susanna.suurla@aalto.fi

    This workshop focuses on how material-led and embodied, improvisational devising methods can be used as a starting point for the costume designers’ artistic work. During the workshop students focus on their own artistic processes and observe how embodied experiences and material-led design methods impact the creation process, as well as what kind of ideas, observations and stories such work produces.



    Read & familiarize yourself with the research study information package for both workshops before the course starts. We will also go through the materials together during the first day of each workshop week. Materials will be sent to enrolled participants via e-mail before the course starts. 



    Week 1: Character Design

    Pre-task for workshop 1: study the specific materials for this workshop and make the required tasks. You can do the tasks during Monday 15.5. (Materials will be available in May)

    • Tuesday 16.5.           10:15 - 17:00
    • Wednesday 17.5.       9:15 – 16:00
    • Friday 19.5.               10:15 – 16:00

    Week 2: Devising

    • Monday 22.5.              10:15 – 16:00
    • Tuesday 23.5.             10:15 – 16:00
    • Wednesday 24.5.       10:15 – 16:00
    • Thursday 25.5.           10:15 – 16:00
    • Friday 26.5.                 10:15 – 16:00



    Otakaari 7, classroom 377 (Atelje)


    Upon completion of the course, students are able to:

    • Recognise new ways of costume creation & development for live performance and digital environments.
    • Deepen their knowledge on how bodily experiences influences costume design processes in different fields, such as animation, gaming and process-led performance-making.
    • Critically reflect and discuss their own artistic practice.



    Attending the first day of the course is required. Minimum attendance 80%.

    Assessment is based on assignments and participation, activity and ability to embed and test new artistic practices in own artistic work.

    Participating or not participating in the research, does not affect the assessment and grading of this course.