Topic outline

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      Class 7 | 2022 Folder

      Anni's mini-lectures about Quiz 5 (Research ethics) and Quiz 6 (Source Criticism)

      Anni's mini-lectures of Homework 2 (Structural Analysis) and Homework 3 (Language of Argumentation).

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      Class 6 | 2022 Folder

      Antti Pirinen's lecture recording and lecture notes.

      Screen capture from our Flinga exercise about cultural issues in research (below):

      Notes on a Flinga board about cultural issues in research and their possible solutions.

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      Class 5 | 2022 Folder

      Jyrki Tarpio's lecture recording (file size c. 1.5 Gt), link in the files folder.

      Anni's program slides for Class 5 and the mini-lectures about Quiz 4 (Theoretical framework) and the Structural Analysis homework.

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      Class 4 | 2022 Folder

      Program slides for Class 4

      Anni's Mini-Lecture about Quiz 3 (research concepts) also as a video recording (includes Q2 and Q3; a tiny part is missed in the middle, because I forgot to remove pause...)

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      Class 3 | 2022 Folder

      Hossam's talk recorded on Zoom

      Anni's PowerPoints about the Search & Retrieve class exercise (the relevance of your literature review; about our learning centre resources)
      Anni's Mini-Lecture about Quiz 2 (research plan); we'll take a look at this in Class 4

      The Flinga board with the Search & Retrieve commentaries:

      Comments about an information retrieval exercises

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      Class 2 | 2022 Folder
      • Anni's Mini-Lecture about Quiz 1 (basic conceptual set-up in architectural research)
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      Class 1 | 2022 Folder
      • Anni's PowerPoints
      • Our Flinga board from today's class excercise:
      Titles of important professional journals and their JUFO ratings