ARK-E1026 - Inclusive Space Design , Lecture, 9.1.2023-13.2.2023
This course space end date is set to 13.02.2023 Search Courses: ARK-E1026
Topic outline
The course is an elective course (3 cr.), open to all student in Aalto, priority is given to Master’s level students .
Learning outcomes:
The course is related to Usability and Inclusive Design. Students learn basic knowledge about user-oriented and inclusive design through literature and experts' contribution. They will learn basic terminology related to Inclusive Design and user-oriented space design. Student will observe the built environment with respect to various user groups, looking e.g. at physical, visual, and sensory perception of the space.
The course is a lecture course, with participation of experts in inclusive design. It includes student group work and an observation and evaluation task of an existing building as well as personal reflections. The course will include working in multidisciplinary and multicultural team. Team working and communication skills are part of the learning outcomes.Assignment
Team work in multidisciplinary teams, familiarization with related literature, analyses of a building focusing on the themes of the course. The group will first present their findings in literature and finally document their analyses and observation in a final presentation. The assignment mode is free including drawings, or other visual presentation and text, video etc.
Evaluation criteria:
attendance to course and active participation in teamworkEvaluation method:
presentations and peer evaluationPreliminary Schedule
Time: Monday at 15.15 - 17.00
Place: Deloitte, room U119, Otakaari 109.01.2023 Introduction to the course, Ira Verma, Senior scientist, Department of Architecture, Aalto University
16.01.2023 Visit on site, Musiikkitalo and Oodi library
23.01.2023 Student presentations (literature), comments and presentation by Sidse Grangaard, Senior researcher, architect, Aalborg University (remotely)
30.01.2023 Student presentations (literature), comments and presentation by Karin Høyland, Senior researcher, architect, SINTEF, Norway (remotely)
06.02.2023 Student presentations (literature), comments and presentation by Johanna Hätönen and Ari Kurppa, The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities
13.02.2023 “Gallery walk” exhibition of student works: Student group works and peer evaluation, comments by Anna Treska-Siwon and delegation, from TEU in Krakow
Groups Folder