
  • Allmänt

    Welcome to Prototyping for innovation! After this course, you..

    • will be familiar with key principles in purpose-driven experimentation
    • will recognize a range of prototypes of different forms and different levels of fidelity
    • can produce some conceptual, mechanical, electrical and digital prototypes utilizing select tools
    • can plan and execute meaningful experiments to develop ideas further in innovation projects
    • are able to select suitable prototyping approaches for different needs and assess prototype effectiveness

    The course offers a combination of theory, company cases and hands-on practice in purpose driven prototyping for innovation. Groupwork is utilized during class time, but all outside-class assignments are individual assignments.

    For those requiring a 6 credit course to fit their degree program, this course can be combined with an additional 1cr self-study module from MEC-E3006 Design thinking and creativity for innovation.

    Course details

    The course consists of workshop and prototyping sessions at the Design Factory and company visits in Period III, covering a combination of theory, company cases and hands-on practice in purpose-driven prototyping for innovation. Groupwork is utilized during class time, but all outside-class assignments are individual assignments.

    Passing the course requires submitting all assignments. As much of the work happens in class for this course, you also gain 2 points per session for attendance. Participation in not mandatory and there are no replacement tasks for missed attendance.

    Final grade

    The course provides 5 credits upon completion
    , and the final grade of this course consist of points you get from attendance, assignments and an oral exam. This is divided into 70 points. Points are given based on:

    This leads to a total of 70 points, converted into grades as follows:

    • 0-34 points or uncompleted exam, poster or assignment: fail
    • 35-41 points: 1
    • 42-48 points: 2
    • 49-55 points: 3
    • 56-62 points: 4
    • 63-70 points: 5
    In addition, you can get two bonus points by filling in the Webropol course feedback survey - your responses are anonymous, a separate list of respondees is generated by the system. These bonus points will be taken into account in calculating the final grade.

    Teaching team

    The teaching team for the course consists of prof Tua Björklund, prof Kalevi Ekman, MA Shreaysi Kar and MA Senni Kirjavainen. Got questions? Get in touch with senni.kirjavainen@aalto.fi.