Topic outline

  • MEC-E1005 Modelling in Applied Mechanics

    During this project course, students develop understanding on (1) modelling in applied mechanics, (2) use of some of the most common numerical solution methods in mechanics, (3) experiments on real structures, and the interplay of (1), (2) and (3) in engineering work. Most projects are related to displacement, vibration, and stability analyses of toy structures or structural parts, but projects on rigid body dynamics and Arctic technology may be also offered. The course also includes practice in scientific writing and support for the writing, as the students write technical reports on the measurements and modelling.

    After the course a student will be able to (1) apply the principles and methods used in problem solving within the field of applied mechanics, (2) use some of the most common numerical modelling tools for solving typical mechanical engineering problems, and (3) perform a critical evaluation, potential validation, and analysis on the correctness of the modelling results.


    Responsible teachers: Arttu Polojärvi (AP) and Jouni Freund (JF)

    Modelling hours: Jouni Freund

    Abaqus hours: Akseli Leraillez (AL)

    Scientific writing and writing clinics: Ken Pennington (KP)


    Online teaching, if needed during the course, uses Zoom:

    Assignments are published and reports returned through MyCourses. Be prepared to use Latex, Microsoft Word, etc. with MathType or some other equation editor and a tool for pdf-conversion:

    Abaqus: The numerical calculations with the assignments use Abaqus software. Before the workshop, you may download the free student version and practice with tutorials, e.g., in YouTube.

    Mathematica: Alternatively or in addition, you may use the Mathematica code of the finite element method courses MEC-E1050 and MEC-E8001 available in MyCourses. Calculation hours of the course uses the Mathematica software. Download the software from



    Introduction and assignments lecture of week 17 gives you an overall picture about the learning outcomes, course arrangements, schedule etc., and introduces all three modelling assignments, their materials and methods, and practicalities related with the assignments.

    Mathematica introduction lecture on week 17 explains how to use Mathematica software, e.g., in processing the outcome of measurements.

    Scientific writing lecture on week 17 explains the structure, contents, format, and language of a report in technical mechanics. An example report is available in the homepage. Later, in writing clinics, you will receive feedback on your writing (weeks 19-20 and weeks 21-22 for Reports 1 and 2, respectively).

    Abaqus workshop on week 18 gives you the basic skills on using Abaqus software.

    Industry presentations of weeks 19-21 explain how mathematical modelling and numerical methods are applied in industry to answer questions related to the design of machines and structures. Notice that participation to the industry presentations adds to the final grade of the course.

    Modelling hours on weeks 17-22 are informal meetings for instructions, discussion, and questions about modelling in applied mechanics, assignments of the course, and use of Mathematica software in calculations. The reporting details, like use and formatting of tables, figures, and equations, are also topics of the modelling hours.

    Abaqus hours on weeks 16-20 are informal meetings where you may discuss the use of Abaqus in the modelling assignments and share your findings with the other participants of the course.

    Measurements take place in the student space of Puumiehenkuja 5L (Konemiehentie side of the building). The set-ups for the 1:st, 2:nd, and 3:rd assignment are available during the office hours in weeks 17-18, 19-20, and 21-22, respectively.



    The outcome of each assignment is a report written by your group. Reports should qualify as technical reports in their format and contents (as described in the scientific writing lecture, writing clinics, and modelling hours).

    Draft of the 1:st and 2:nd report should be returned through MyCourses home page on Mon of week 19 and 21. Feedback consists of comments based on all the drafts. You may use the list of comments as a checklist for the final version.

    Final versions of all the reports should be returned through MyCourses home page by Fri of Week 24. Grading of reports is based on the final versions.



    Industry presentations: Participation 0…1/2 p each (max 2 p)

    Report draft: may not be accepted in the present from / likely to be accepted in the present form

    Final report: 0…6p each. At least 1p is needed for acceptance.

    Course: All the reports need to be accepted. Maximal points 6+6+6+2 = 20. Passing the course requires at least 8 p.