Topic outline

  • Home page

    No traditional lectures:

    No lectures on Tuesdays 14.15-16.00.  Go through the material at your own pace, recordings will be available via MyCourses.


    Wednesdays, 14.15-16.00, Otakaari 4 room 216.

    Calculation hours:

    Thursdays, 14.15-16.00, Otakaari 4 room 216.


    Both online, open-book exams.

    • Tuesday, June 6, 9.00-12.00.
    • Wednesday, June 21, 9.00-12.00.


    40% assignments.  Based on your best 4 out of 5 assignments.

    60% exam.

    Grade Final mark %
    5 >=90
    4 80-89
    3 70-79
    2 60-69
    1 50-59
    0-Fail <=49

    Contact details:
    Luc St-Pierre, Teacher in charge,

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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