MEC-E8003 - Beam, Plate and Shell Models D, Lecture, 28.2.2023-18.4.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 18.04.2023 Etsi kursseja: MEC-E8003
Osion kuvaus
Assignment 1 Tehtävä
Discussed 15:30 Tue 07.03.2023
Deadline 23:55 Tue 07.03.2023
The notebook of week 10 can be used to calculate the kinematic quantities (like basis vector derivatives and gradient expressions) of a curvilinear coordinate system starting from mapping between the Cartesian and the curvilinear system. To use the notebook
1. Download the Mathematica software.
2. Download, save and open the notebook.
3. Evaluate "shift-enter" the cells for operations indicated by cell titles.
Assignment 2 Tehtävä
Discussed 15:30 Wed 08.03.2023
Deadline 23:55 Wed 08.03.2023
Assignment 3 (update 09.03.2023) Tehtävä
Discussed 13:30 Thu 09.03.2023
Deadline 23:55 Sun 12.03.2023
Assignment 4 Tehtävä
Discussed 13:30 Thu 09.03.2023
Deadline 23:55 Sun 12.03.2023
Assignment 5 Tehtävä
Discussed 13:30 Thu 09.03.2023
Deadline 23:55 Sun 12.03.2023
Solutions to assignments Kansio