
  • The idea of the week is to understand how passenger ship mission is affected by market segments and how product architecture can be used to define a family of ship concepts. We go through the definition of the mission, which is associated to the market segments and brands of the ships. We get acquainted with the user driven design. We identify the key performance indicators essential to the systems design in passenger ships context. This allows us to think about the product architecture and technical solutions that make our concept better. The associated literature is the lecture slide set 2 and the following book sections and articles:

    1.  Ulrich, K., “The role of product architecture in the manufacturing firm”, Research Policy, Vol. 24, 1995, pp. 419-440.
    2. Dahmus, J.B., Gonzalez-Zugasti, J.P. and Otto, K.N., “Modular Product Architecture”, Design Studies, Vol. 22, 2001, pp. 409-424
    3. Eppinger, S.D., “Innovation at the speed of information”, Harvard Business Review, January 2001, pp. 149-158.