
  • (Nämä ohjeet ovat valitettavasti englanniksi - en ole vielä yrittänyt löytää suomenkielisiä virallisia ohjeita.)

    Expense reimbursement for students (for other than travel expenses)

    Students make and submit their expense claims in Neo system:

    • Login to Neo travel and expense system (https://neo.aalto.fi/)
    • If you have used the Neo system before, log in to the system via the Tools menu on the aalto.fi pages.
    • If you are using the system for the first time, you first need to create a profile in Neon. The profile must be created before submitting a grant application to Travel Services. Make sure your name is written as in your passport.

    Instructions for creating a profile and making an expense report can be found from the attachments .

    In case you have problems, please contact Neo Helpdesk (neo@aalto.fi).

    Before you start making your expense report in Neo, make sure you have the following at hand:

    • Course code, project number and cost center 
      • Course code and name: MUO-C3037 Käyttäjät ja vuorovaikutus
      • Project number: 922011 MUO-C3037 Käyttäjät ja vuorov.
      • Cost center: A80312
    • Documented approval from the course responsible; either an approval form used at your department or an email including:
      • Name of the student
      • Name of the teacher in charge
      • Project number and cost center (see above)
      • Course code and course name (see above)
      • Description and purpose of purchase
      • Approved total sum
      • Receipts from your purchases