
  • Green's functions, Feynman diagrams and mediated interactions.

    Section 7.3 (The single-particle Green's function of a many-body system) in Bruus & Flensberg.
    Chapter 11 (Feynman diagrams and pair interactions) in Bruus & Flensberg.
    • Updated 14.2.2023: added Monday's videos and solutions.

      Updated 15.2.2023: fixed a few typos and added picture of Hartree and Fock diagrams.

      Updated 19.2.2023: added Thursday's videos and solutions.

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör någon grupp
      Green's functions at zero temperature, Mahan Fil PDF

      G. Mahan, Many-Particle Physics, pages 65 to 89.

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör någon grupp
      Nightreading week 6: Taylor and interference fringes with feeble light Fil PDF

      G. I. Taylor, Interference fringes with feeble light, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 15, 114 (1909).