Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    ELEC-E5780 Postgraduate Course in Measurement Science and Technology V  D (10 cr) is arranged in spring 2023. The course will be in English and covers various advanced apsects of measurement science and technology.

    Each course participant gives one lecture and follows the lectures of the other participants. The fields may include e.g. optics, physics, chemistry, measuring systems, measurement electronics or general measurement science.

    The lectures are onsite in TUAS 3527 (Maarintie 8, third floor) during the Spring 2023, Thursdays 9-11. The first lecture is on 26 January.

    If you wish to participate, please E-mail the organizer: juha.t.peltoniemi@aalto.fi or call +358-50-4350142.

    The students are expected to have a MSc degree in measurement science, electronics, physics, chemistry or like, or corresponding skills and knowledge, e.g. advanced studies in relevant fields.