Topic outline

  • Course in short

    Implement and learn signal processing  algorithms needed in wireless communications (digital filters, multirate filters, adaptive filters,  time, frequency, phase synchronization, detection and estimation) using  RTL-SDR USB dongle ,and Matlab. The transmitter is given to the participants during the course, and it must be returned back after the course. In addition, own computer is needed. In the end, course participants will know the basics on the operation of wireless receivers and wireless communications links.

     Experience on Matlab programming, or programming experience in general, is essential/mandatory.

    Contents of the course in 2021

    In 2022 there's no transmitter hack (VGA USB adapter) so the contents will change

    1. Introduction
    2. .Basics of FIR filtering, decimation, and FM transmission
    3. Phase-locked loops
    4. Maximum likelihood (ML) estimation and practical algorithms for estimating carrier frequency offset
    5. Computationally efficient filter structures
    6. .Basics of communications systems, matched filter,  on-off keying
    7. Up-sampling and pulse shaping, differential modulation
    8. Symbol timing estimation, interpolation for a fractional delay
    9. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)

    Matlab exercises
    1. FM receiver 1, discriminator, using a signal from RTL-SDR plugged in the computer
    2. FM receiver 2 , phase-locked loop using a signal from RTL-SDR
    3. Frequency synchronization (estimation of  carrier frequency offset) using FM radio signal
    4. Efficient filer structures using the extraction of the FM stereo carrier as an example
    5. On-off keying using VGA dongle as the transmitter and RTL-SDR
    6. Differential phase-shift keying, and  sampling time estimation using oversampling, VGA dongle and RTL-SDR
    7. Binary phase-shift keying and sampling time estimation using early-late detector,  VGA dongle and RTL-SDR
    8. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, VGA dongle and RTL-SDR

    Course staff:

    Risto Wichman,

    TA Mikko Laakso,