Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    • Welcome to Foundations of Discrete Mathematics

      Content: logic, sets, functions, relations, combinatorics, induction and recursion, modular arithmetic, permutation groups and symmetry groups, graphs.

      Lecturer: David Radnell (david.radnell@aalto.fi)

      Course assistants: 

      • H01- Qingxin Yang (qing.yang@aalto.fi)
      • H02 - Kirthivaasan Puniamurthy (kirthivaasan.puniamurthy@aalto.fi) - Head TA
      • H03 - Matilde Costa (matilde.costa@aalto.fi)
      • H04 - Antti Immonen (antti.h.immonen@aalto.fi)
      • H05 - Antti Immonen (antti.h.immonen@aalto.fi)

      • H05 added. Since the other exercise groups are overcrowded with 40 in each,  please change your group to this new one if suitable.
      • Update 24.2: As groups H02-H04 are now full, I have enabled registration is SISU without choosing a group. We will try to add one more exercise groups next week. Everybody who wants to join the course will able to. Please email the lecturer in case of troubles. 

      Resources: Please see the "Materials" section for lecture notes and textbooks (most of which are open access). Also a FIN-ENG-SWE math dictionary.

      Zulip Chat discussion forum:
      Laskutupa: Free math tutoring center. You can drop in any time for help. Follow the link for a schedule and other details.

      Assignments: See "Assignments".

      Grading policy: The grade for the course will be determined by

      Max{H*40% + E*60% ,  E*100%}


      H = Homework, E = exam on 21.04.2023

      For the homework component your best 5 out of the 6 homework assignemnts will be counted.

      The final grade boudaries determined after the exam are


      2: 60





      • The exam is on  21.4, 13:00 - 16:00.
      • No notes or calculators or other aids are permitted.
      • If you require individal arrangments for the exam please fill out this form at least 1 week before the exam (note that you need the Aalto approved certificate). https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/727EED88E1831E55
      • Make sure you bring ID to the exam
      • If you are currently registered for this course then you are automatically registered for the course exam (KT) and should not registerfor the retake exam (T# or ET#).
      • Info about the exam content 

      Retake exams: For the next two retake exams your exercise points will be counted as in the above formula.

      • Period V: Individual exam arrangment request form https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/D183E0E93C4DE5FB

      Attendance: While not compulsory, it can not be stressed strongly enough that attendance of lecture and exercise sessions is extremely important as there are many new concepts in this course.